How To Rerock Coke With Acetone ? How Does One Press,

You are watching: How to rerock coke with acetone. There space three vast grades the cocaine. The shortest grade the cocaine is fully powderized nonsense that is commonly 50% pure in ~ most, probably as low together 15% come 20% pure. Most of the moment this is what many consumers who buy grams get.

How To Rerock Coke With Acetone – Coke 101

17-06-2021· How To Rerock Coke With Acetone.Next decide how much weight (inositol) you want to add. How do you re rock cocaine with acetone? Usually I Can Rerock Some Raw Coke With Some Fish And Acetone And It S Rocks Up Nicely I Recently Used Benzo Caine And It S Mayhem Turned Into This Yellow Sludge Seems Like from My buddy usually sells

How To Rerock Cocaine

15-10-2021· How To Rerock Crack Cocaine; How To Re Rock Cocaine Using Acetone; Start with the cocaine, use a coffee grinder (electric) to crush the coke into a very fine powder. Now aquire extracted lidocaine (over the counter and easy to do, videos on it

how to re rock cocaine? : cocaine - reddit

Get some nosital, put that and product in a coffee grinder depending on the amount of cut you want. Blend. Spray with acetone (paint thinner) not alot about a table spoon per half oz. Mix in bag . Apply pressure. Vice like pressure. The product will take a pancake like form. Put it preheated oven at about 200 degrees .

How to re-rock cocaine? |

16-12-2010· You can clean it with acetone, then i mix it with a little water, and i mean a little and then putt he water/coke mix ona hotplate and it comes back into nice sized shiny crystally rocks. Or you could recrystalize it after cleaning, but that's a whole other thing. H HyDrIzzL3 Greenlighter Joined Nov 6, 2010 Messages 3 Nov 20, 2010 #4

Rerock methods : cocaine - reddit

Rerock methods Purely in the interest of science and chemistry... Cocaine is a crystallized substance that is pressed into chucks or “rocks”. It is possible to break those chucks that into power, dissolve with acetone, mix with other chemicals, etc. How does one go about turning the power into a solid rock again? What is the chemistry there?

How You Cut And Repress Cocaine With Acetone, If it is to,

How You Cut And Repress Cocaine With Acetone If it had a strong cocaine odor it was cut heavily with ether. the smell might have been acetone but it could have been benzene (you don;t want . anybody can re rock some up with acetone and its going to be a solid chunk discourtesy

How To Re Rock Coke With Acetone - How To Rerock Coke With,

Bew sold the crack directly to users and the rerock cocaine to drug dealers. Fuller argues that How do you re rock cocaine with acetone Answers. no, it''s only how to rerock cocaine . How to re rock coke with acetone; The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine — Countere Magazine

Cocaine - Possible to remove nail polish remover from,

13-07-2019· acetone will evaporate from cocaine on its own, keep it in a warm and dry place and it'll be fine Phobos Bluelighter Joined Oct 5, 2010 Messages 1,652 Jul 12, 2019 #6 Wait, do you mean you smell acetone or the perfumes that usually are put into acetone to make it into nail polish remover?

How to tell how much cut is in cocaine - Quora

Answer (1 of 8): Do an acetone wash, whatever amount of weight lost afterwards was cut. I can usually give a rough estimate of cut percentage by taking a sample of the product and gauging the effects. Certain negative side effects are highly

How To Rerock Coke With Acetone ? How Does One Press,

You are watching: How to rerock coke with acetone. There space three vast grades the cocaine. The shortest grade the cocaine is fully powderized nonsense that is commonly 50% pure in ~ most, probably as low together 15% come 20% pure. Most of the moment this is what many consumers who buy grams get.

How To Rerock Coke With Acetone – Coke 101

17-06-2021· How To Rerock Coke With Acetone.Next decide how much weight (inositol) you want to add. How do you re rock cocaine with acetone? Usually I Can Rerock Some Raw Coke With Some Fish And Acetone And It S Rocks Up Nicely I Recently Used Benzo Caine And It S Mayhem Turned Into This Yellow Sludge Seems Like from My buddy usually sells

How To Re Rock Coke With Acetone - How To Rerock Coke With,

Bew sold the crack directly to users and the rerock cocaine to drug dealers. Fuller argues that How do you re rock cocaine with acetone Answers. no, it''s only how to rerock cocaine . How to re rock coke with acetone; The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine — Countere Magazine

How do you rerock cocaine? - Answers

04-02-2013· How do you rerock cocaine? first off u grind down your pure cocaine to straight powder then u wanna spray it lightly with aceton you will need a spray bottle for this once uve sprayed lightly mix,

What Is Cocaine Cut With, And How To Repress Coke With Acetone

repressing coke through acetone - hoteleldoradobenin Dec 16, 2010 how to re-rock cocaine , You have the right to clean it v acetone, , , just how do i repress coke conversation Now; Patent US4377520 - Citrus oil chathamtownfc.netprise a high , The Coca-Cola chathamtownfc.netpany: , chathamtownfc.netprising remixing and also repressing claimed mash press cake

cutting cocaine by re rocking

Does acetone work to rerock rerock crystal meth and msm, how is acetone used for rerocking cocaine, , dope is cut, it can still be re-rocked to make it this . [More] Re Rocking Coke, Heart Healthy Crockpot Recipes | ,

How To Re Rock Cocaine With Acetone, Press or Re-rock,

How to rerock coke with acetone polish taste and smell is acetone used commonly to rerock good coke homie! buy re rock mugs & shirts cocaine rerock. rtz3 ah Search Forums: Show Threads Show Posts. Tag Search: Advanced Search: Hourly 6AM 12 Noon 6PM 12 Midnight; Temp. | Dew Point: 21 | 16: 28 | 16: 29 | 16: 24 | 16: Wind: 14,

How do dealers cut cocaine? - Quora

Answer (1 of 2): 1. determine ratio of cut to cocaine 2. measure out how much cut you want 3. place cut and cocaine into same ziplock bag 4. triple bag it 5. step up and down on it 6. break up remaining rocks with your hands 7. shake the bag with

TEK - Drying Moist / Wet / Sticky / Oily Cocaine : Methods,

09-09-2007· 3.) Put coke into preheated oven for 15 minutes, then turn OFF the heat, but do not remove the coke. Do not open the oven door to peek in. Let the dry air in the oven do it's work. 4.) Let your coke sit in the oven at least 30 minutes after you turned it off. 5.) Remove your dry coke, chop it up, and store it in an airtight container with a,

Rerocking Meth? |

12-08-2002· I have heard of rerocking cocaine, but meth? Does anyone else have any experiences with this, or know why someone would take the time to do it? badjessejames Bluelighter. Joined May 30, 2001 Messages 339 Location MPL$-----MN. Aug 8, 2002 #2 I know alot of people who get decent meth/glass and rerock it using MSM as a cut. you can't,

How To Re Rock Coke With Acetone - How To Rerock Coke With,

Bew sold the crack directly to users and the rerock cocaine to drug dealers. Fuller argues that How do you re rock cocaine with acetone Answers. no, it''s only how to rerock cocaine . How to re rock coke with acetone; The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine — Countere Magazine

How To Re Rock Coke With Acetone - How To Rerock Coke With,

Bew sold the crack directly to users and the rerock cocaine to drug dealers. Fuller argues that How do you re rock cocaine with acetone Answers. no, it''s only how to rerock cocaine ; How to re rock coke with acetone; The Countere Guide to Rerocking Cocaine — Countere Magazine

What Is Cocaine Cut With, And How To Repress Coke With Acetone

repressing coke through acetone - hoteleldoradobenin Dec 16, 2010 how to re-rock cocaine , You have the right to clean it v acetone, , , just how do i repress coke conversation Now; Patent US4377520 - Citrus oil chathamtownfc.netprise a high , The Coca-Cola chathamtownfc.netpany: , chathamtownfc.netprising remixing and also repressing claimed mash press cake

cutting cocaine by re rocking

Does acetone work to rerock rerock crystal meth and msm, how is acetone used for rerocking cocaine, , dope is cut, it can still be re-rocked to make it this . [More] Re Rocking Coke, Heart Healthy Crockpot Recipes | ,

How To Re Rock Cocaine With Acetone, Press or Re-rock,

How to rerock coke with acetone polish taste and smell is acetone used commonly to rerock good coke homie! buy re rock mugs & shirts cocaine rerock. rtz3 ah Search Forums: Show Threads Show Posts. Tag Search: Advanced Search: Hourly 6AM 12 Noon 6PM 12 Midnight; Temp. | Dew Point: 21 | 16: 28 | 16: 29 | 16: 24 | 16: Wind: 14,

How To Re Rock Crack In A Spoon - How To Re Rock Crack,

05-08-2021· How to re rock coke with acetone baking soda and heat. that forms crack which is a smoke-able form of cocaine. rock cocaine comes from re -rocking which is when the middle guy cuts the cocaine How To Re Cook Bad Crack

the best ways to rerock crack and cut heroin

Easy Way To Rerock Heroin. Easy Way To Rerock Heroin Acetone rerock cocaine how to rerock powder coke - binq mining , then dry the longer you let dry the harder it will re-rock entirely opposite cook like heroin or psychadelics read more cutting cocaine - the terrifying additives added to coke cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs, but once its cut, its

Fooling cocaine users with a toothache product – Deceptology

12-01-2018· Fooling cocaine users with a toothache product. and increase drug dealer profits. Since illegal drugs are expensive, drug dealers try to cut or dilute a drug if they can. Obviously if you cut a drug like cocaine and make it 50% drug and 50% something cheaper, you’ll save some money. You need some kind of "bulking agent."

cocaine - help | Page 4 | Rollitup

26-08-2008· Get inositol powder (can be found at any vitamin retailer) make sure it's pure inositol, 99% or above acetone and high quality coke mix the inositol and coke at a ratio you're looking for ( make sure to grind into a fine powder) add acetone a dropper at a time until you get a paste like consistency then press if you want then allow 15-20 minutes for the acetone to

How to re-rock meth in a power form, and what are the,

Answer (1 of 3): Oh this is easy just take powdered meth and place in a glass Beaker or mason jar that’s brand new .next add just barely enough water to dissolve place some heat underneath it make sure watever glass intensely your using is Pyrex get that meth water solution to a sl...